I heard there was some “training” for the shoot – how does that work?!

We believe it’s important that models understand what we’re trying to create, so their input can be incorporated into the shoot.

“I spoke with Giulia [Shoot Producer] and she told us everything that came to her mind. She wanted me to know everything and I asked a lot of questions on the set on the shoot day. She was always checking on me, asking if I needed food… It was a Mom-vibe. My questions and doubts were eased with the information she gave. There were no surprises during the shoot.” (Gizela, Nov 2021)

Current training

Currently, we have an informative presentation that we go through with models. This is sometimes done ahead of the shoot day via a video call but more often done on the morning of the shoot day on-set, by your Shoot Producer.

“The Info Session was very accurate. It had all of the information I needed! I went into it prepared and confident. The organization was really good.”  (Dalilah, Jan 2022).

We will contact you to set this up ahead of your first girl-girl sex shoot day.

“Ursula, the Shoot Producer gave me an explanation of what was going to happen, how the frames would be the type of things they record. There was like an objective, like a goal that you had to push through during the shooting. She had a presentation on her computer with pictures and a little bit of writing information.” (Viviana, Jul 2021)

Girl-girl sex shoot training in the future

In 2022, we’re working on some self-directed training for models making girl-girl sex shoots with us. This will free up some time on the shoot day so we can spend it making the shoot itself, not the rushed setting-expectations stuff we do currently.

The new training is not ready yet, but we expect it’ll include some online training, a phone call about those leanings, and some in-person training on the morning of your first girl-girl sex shoot.

Once you’ve done the training and your girl-girl sex shoot, you’ll become a mentor for other models – on the morning of future girl-girl sex shoots, you’ll assist the Shoot Producer in getting new girl-girl sex models (your shoot partner) up to speed.