How can I do more shoots at one time, when I travel to a Shoot Producer?

It’s efficient for us and you to do several shoots when you’re travelling to a distant Shoot Producer (more info on travelling to Shoot Producers) – it means we get more value from the cost of the flights, and of course, it’s more convenient for you as well.

The first shoot a model does with us, we typically do not book other shoots in the same visit. What if she decides it’s not for her? What if we find out, actually, she’s not so good for us? That’s going to be awkward and expensive for everyone, so your first shoot will normally be a single-shoot-trip.

Subsequent trips we work to maximise the amount of shoots you can do, into a block of shoot. Perhaps four shoots over five days, for example. Factors that affect this are:

Shoot Producer skillset. Not all Shoot Producers can make all kindsa of shoots. it takes time for them to master each type of shoot we need. Currently, most shoot blocks are organised with our Shoot Producers in Barcelona Spain, and Amsterdam, Netherlands. We’d pay for your flights and accom of course.

Shoot Producer availability. Shoot Producers do not only work with us, they have many clients. Some shoot feature films, TV commercials, teach photography, make training videos, teach yoga, and so on. But, they enjoy AW work, and where possible will make room in their schedule for multiple shoots over several days. Some Shoot Producers prefer to have a break between shoot days, so they can bring 100% to each shoot. Some Shoot Producers prefer not to work on weekends (others can only work on weekends).

Our need for shoots. Some shoots we always need more of (for example, girl-boy shoots), but for other shoots (for example, Solo) there’s only a certain number that are useful to us (ie, that we are able to sell to our customers). Our site is strongest when there are shoots of many different models, so we have “quotas” (the maximum number of shoots of a certain type a model may appear in). These can be a little flexible for excellent models.

Model availability. Of course, the model needs to be available when the Shoot Producer is available!

Other-model availability. While some shoots are done with one model, many shoots require two or more models, so we need to ensure there are other models available to shoot with you (and similarly, other models for them to shoot with!).

Rest days. We want you looking your best in each shoot, and we know that more than two consecutive shoot days can be rough for anyone – moreso if you have travelled internationally more than a few hours (jetlag). For longer flights, we allow a day or two to get over jet lag.

Model work ethic. Models who are difficult to work with, don’t take direction well, are consistently late, don’t respond to contact attempts, feel they “know better” than the Shoot Producer, or make other models feel bad will not be asked for more work – and in fact, a booked trip may be cut short in these circumstances. More info on how we expect models to work with us.

Grooming issues. We require a high standard of grooming for each shoot a model appears in. We know that grooming is often made worse on long flights, and we do what we can to minimise this (staying hydrated, and moisturising help). We work hard to make excellent shoots (not average shoots), and shoots may need to be re-scheduled or cancelled because of grooming issues.

STI test results. Models appearing in shoots that involve sexual interaction with other models must be tested clear for a range of STI tests, results no more than a few weeks old. Older test results, one disease / infection not tested for, ambiguous results, missing results, or incomplete results will cause a shoot to be cancelled or rescheduled.

Whew! As you can see, it’s complicated! 😕 Luckily, we have ninja-like Model Liaisons who are experts in this, supported by a team who help them, also supported by models who are responsive.

Perhaps the most useful thing a model can do to increase the likelihood of more shoots being offered on a trip, is to respond promptly when our Model Liaisons make contact!