Who should I nominate as a committee member for content removal?

In some circumstances, we work with models who want their content removed from our site (more info). If the model chooses to have a Committee hear their request, they may also choose to nominate someone to be on that committee. Their nominee follows the committee’s process and will have a vote, just the same as the other Committee members.

That the committee is inquisitorial in nature, which means it is actively involved in investigating the facts of the case. The committee is not adversarial (like a courtroom TV show) – this means it’s not the role of your nominee to the Committee to present your case to the rest of the committee like a lawyer!

Instead, your nominee will be following the process to interpret the facts of the case with the other committee members. Of course, it’s likely your nominee will support your situation, and that’s exactly what we want! But it’s not appropriate for them to prepare a heartfelt speech, or to plead your case on your behalf. We’ll provide them guidance on what they do need to prepare (in a nutshell, reading information about how the committee works, and reading the facts of the case, including your letter).

You do not have to nominate someone to the committee – if you choose not to, we will select a female model to fill this gap, whose position is effectively neutral in this matter.

You must decide on your committee nomination around the time you pay the Committee formation fee of €1,000. We’ll let you know. Once nominated and accepted by us, this person cannot be changed for someone else.

Your nominee will be paid a modest fee for their time in preparing for and attending the meeting. We’ll provide information to them, so they have context on the nature of the situation from our perspective. We encourage you to discuss the facts of the situation (and your feelings!) with them as well.

When nominating someone, consider that your nominee (as all committee members) must;

  • Not be yourself!
  • Be over the age of 18 (we will require a copy of their ID to prove this)
  • Speak and read English fluently (the meeting is held entirely in English)
  • Be able to spend around two hours reading information a few days before the Committee hearing
  • Be able to spend around three hours in a video chat session, during business hours in the Netherlands
  • Behave with integrity and professionalism

We recommend your nominee;

  • Be older rather than younger – more life experience will give them valuable perspective on the situation
  • Does not rely on their flamboyant and fiery personality or argumentative nature to influence people
  • Be comfortable on video chats
  • Be comfortable with mature, objective, fact-based discussions

If you are not able to nominate a committee member within three weeks of being asked, we may not be able to include your nominee in the Committee.

If your nominee behaves unprofessionally during the Committee hearing or appears to be taking instructions from you, they will be warned by the Chair of the meeting. If their inappropriate behaviour continues, they will be permanently removed from the meeting.

We understand that you may want to be present for the committee hearing (for example, at your nominee’s house but off-camera listening-in). We strongly recommend against that, as your nominee needs to be entirely focussed on the complicated process – distracting them may mean they are unable to contribute to the outcome you want!.

Before the meeting, we provide your nominee with data to prepare for the meeting. They will be told – as are all committee members – that that data may not be shared with you (or anyone else), and we ask that you respect this.

After the Committee hearing is completed, your nominee may choose to relate to you what was discussed during the hearing, and share the Committee’s recommendation. However, the Owner of the company reviews the Committee’s recommendation, and may choose to make amendments before it is formally offered to you.