Homonoia is a mini website that acts like an app on your smartphone. We created Homonoia to administer paperwork on shoots for Shoot Producers and models. It streamlines ID Capture, Release, Contract and Risk Agreement forms being completed on-set. Homonoia reduces errors and admin work scanning and emailing forms after the shoot.
When you arrive on-set, after some preliminary checks, the Shoot Producer will use Homonoia on their phone to capture your ID (Primary and Secondary). They check the quality of the images and then they are transmitted directly to HQ and stored securely (they are not stored on the Shoot Producer’s phone). Check our Privacy Policy for more details on how we keep information about you secure.
Then, the Shoot Producer will SMS you a link to open on your phone (or you can use the Shoot Producer’s phone) to complete the other forms. Most data is pre-filled for you, but you’ll need to add your initials to a few areas, and your signature as well. You’ll also be asked to confirm your next-of-kin (that you supplied earlier). Then the shoot can begin.
At the end of the shoot, there’s a little more admin – confirming the payment amount and method, and double-checking everything.
Back at HQ, we use the admin side of Homonoia to administer your payment (we call it a payment event). We can combine payments for several shoots together (saving you on bank fees) and it’s Homonoia that sends you a notification to say your payment has been sent to you, and sends you a confirmation PDF.
Non-Shoot Payment Events
Homonoia is also used for “Non-Shoot Payment Events” (NSPE), for example, if you paid to get tested for STI’s or you bought a train ticket, we may reimburse you for that (more info). Playdate payments are also made via Homonoia (from August 2020).
Because we initiate NSPE’s, we run them by you (before we actually make the payment) to confirm they are correct, and let you select your preferred payment method.