Our customers love it when models post on our discussion forums, and we offer some small rewards for doing so regularly. Our customers are respectful and friendly, and there are rarely problems.
We have a few rules for models making posts;
- Respect your fellow human
- Only post pictures of you when you were 18+
- It’s not ok to post a picture of you and a friend, unless your friend’s face is hidden (pixelated / blurred or similar, this tool can help)
- You can remove pictures you have posted at any time
- All pictures you post are pro-moderated. That means, we assess images for suitability before they are released to the public or our customers.
- Don’t post pictures you don’t have permission to post
- For example, if you made a sexy shoot for another company, it’s unlikely they gave you permission to post images from it to our site.
See the rules customers are expected to follow (which also apply to you).