Report piracy

It’s a problem.

Copyright abuse (where thieves steal content, and post it elsewhere online) on the internet is an enormous problem for all media producers, not just us. Unfortunately this is a never-ending problem, and a fact of life.

Under some circumstances, we permit “Affiliates” to use some material to promote our business, in an effort to get more customers. In exchange for advertising for us, Affiliates get a share of the sales they are responsible for (more info). We consider this to be legitimate promotion, not piracy (it’s permitted in Article 1.1 of our model Release). material on sites that are not promoting has been stolen illegally, and we work aggressively to remove these posts. We engage two external expert companies to handle this for us, and we ask models and customers to inform us when they find abuse!

When sites are asked to remove our content, it is usually removed, but sometimes our (or, some other) material replaces it not long after. We’ll organise to have that removed as well.

How do I know if a site is legitimately promoting

The best way to tell if a site is promoting us legitimately is if they link to clearly.

If you click the link, you should come to If you hover over the link (without clicking), you will see that it links to, the billing company we use to ensure that affiliate gets credited for the purchase a visitor makes.

If the site does not mention of link to, it’s definitely piracy.

Please do not report legitimate promoters of, that will slow us down from finding the real bad guys!

How can I report stolen material?

There’s no value in a model asking a site to take down material – if they take action at all, they will only act on an official DMCA “take down” notice, which can only be issued by the copyright holder (that’s us).